Home Mutton Bustin’

Mutton Bustin’

When is Mutton Bustin’?:

All nights at the rodeo!

Details & How To Register:

Wild Bill Hickok Rodeo 2016 Thursday NightSIGN-UP
2024 Dates

Saturday, July 13th @ 10 AM

Location To Register:

Abilene Parks and Recreation Center


***Child Must be present to enter. We will be weighing during registration***

***No telephone entries will be accepted***

***Limited to 12 per night***

*Registration Guidelines:

  1. Kids must be ages 4 and over and not weigh more than 60 lbs.
  2. Entry fee: $25 non-refundable.
    Limited to the first 48 entries, 12 per performance.
  3. Choice of performance until each performance is full.
    One entry per child per year.
  4. No phone or Internet entries.
  5. First place winner each night gets an official mutton bustin’ buckle.
  6. Second place winner each night gets an official mutton bustin’ medallion.